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Three Niagara County Businesses receive NYPA grants

Last week, the New York Power Authority granted multiple awards to three Niagara County businesses. Dimensional Energy, a sustainable fuel and wax manufacturer, received 10 megawatts of low-cost hydropower and 16 megawatts of high-load factor power to support an $80 million expansion in Niagara Falls, creating 30 jobs. They will build a 900,000-square-foot facility to convert CO2 into renewable diesel and wax.
Broda Machine in the Town of Niagara also received low-cost power through the ReCharge program to support a $100,000 investment and retain 24 jobs. Additionally, the Power Authority approved over $1.9 million in awards from the New York Power Proceeds Fund to three local recipients, including $150,000 for Tecmotiv Holdings of Niagara Falls. This funding comes from net earnings generated by the sale of unused hydropower from the Niagara Power Project in Lewiston.