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Rep. Tenney Hosts Manufacturing Roundtable at NCCED
by Office of Congresswoman Claudia Tenney
Lockport, New York – Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) last week, hosted a roundtable discussion with the Buffalo Niagara Manufacturing Alliance to discuss the challenges faced by manufacturers in the district and portance of rebuilding American manufacturing. The discussion focused on opportunities to enhance American manufacturing, strengthen US supply chains, and create opportunities for rural communities.
Tenney was joined at the event by Niagara County Legislature Chair Rebecca Wydysh, Executive Director of the Buffalo Niagara Manufactures Alliance Peter Ahrens, members of the Niagara County Center of Economic Development as well as over 20 members of the Buffalo Niagara Manufactures Alliance.
"Home to the historic Erie Canal, which accelerated America's Industrial Revolution, our district has a rich heritage in the manufacturing industry that was pivotal in building our nation's economy," said Congresswoman Tenney. "Unfortunately, for far too long, industries that once thrived in our community have relocated, taking stable, well-paying jobs with them and leaving no plans to return. Today, I met with local manufacturers to discuss how we can introduce incentives and develop strategies to bring these valuable jobs back, stimulate our local economy, and reduce our dependence on foreign manufacturing. Thank you to all the members of our community who attended this roundtable event. I am eager to continue working to restore our district's economic prosperity and create quality jobs for our community."
“Having the Congresswoman come out to listen to the challenges our members face due to federal and state policies was a terrific first step in working collaboratively with her team and other federal representatives to get meaningful change which will enable our members to thrive in the future,” said Executive Director of the Buffalo Niagara Manufactures Alliance Peter Ahrens.
“We're thankful to the Congresswoman for taking the time to meet with us and discuss the issues effecting manufacturers in Niagara and Erie counties. Her accessibility and positive attitude are greatly appreciated. It's reassuring to see her actively involved in our district, and track record of getting things done speaks volumes. She's a strong advocate for our manufacturing community, and we're grateful for the Congresswoman’s support,” said Bill Robbins Owner of the RubberForm Recycled Products, LLC.