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An Update on COVID-19 Related Business Assistance
by NCCEDSat, Mar 21st 2020 12:15 am

Below you will find some useful links and information to assist you and your business along with your employees as we navigate through these difficult times.
- Childcare Opportunities for Essential Workers: On March 20, 2020 the Niagara County Department of Social Services announced the Community Child Care Clearinghouse of Niagara as a way to assist families of essential workers that are in need of childcare assistance. Call the Clearinghouse Hotline at (716) 285-8572 x109 or x105 for help finding childcare in your area.
- Determining if your Business is Considered Essential: Many business owners are wondering if they are considered essential services or if they need to comply with the workforce reduction mandates imposed by Governor Cuomo. You can find information detailing the types of businesses exempt, and those that must comply here.
- Help with Specific Business-Related Questions: Do you have a specific question related to your business and the impact that you are facing as a result of the COVID-19 crisis? If so, be sure to submit your question using this Empire State Development link and a specialist will respond directly to you.
- Stay engaged: Continue to visit our website in the coming days and weeks for updates on what assistance is available as we work through this difficult time together. Rest assured that our staff is working hard to compile a complete list of programs that are available.